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How CASE XX Became a Legend

Updated: Feb 16

Our roots extend back to 1889, when four enterprising brothers—William Russell (W.R.), Jean, John, and Andrew Case (a.k.a. “The Case Brothers”)—began selling handcrafted knives from the back of a wagon in upstate New York. John Russell (Russ) Case, the son of W.R., formed W.R. Case & Sons, as it is known today. Russ’s father acted as his son’s consultant, helping to stabilize the company's early finances while building a reputation as the most respected name in American cutlery.

Andrew, John, Jean, and W.R. (pictured above, from left to right, with their father, Job Case)

From designs that tamed the American wilderness, landed on the moon, and defended freedom for our country, our knives have earned their place in some of our nation’s defining moments. And because they’re carefully crafted with the finest materials and twice tested for durability, Case knives are not only passed down for generations, but they have found their way into the hands of famous admirers and avid collectors, including some famous prize-winning bull riders, country music greats, and even former U.S. presidents.

Today Case is owned by Zippo Manufacturing Company, makers of the world-famous Zippo® windproof lighter, another family-owned business based in Bradford.

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